Refund & Exchange Policy

  • Remember! At any point in time, the refunds will not exceed the actual value of the goods.
  • You will need to inform us within 15 days delivery of the product.
  • Refund will only be processed for a par of orders that cannot be fulfilled by us / if we are unable to fulfil our obligations.
  • Shipping Charges and Cash on the Delivery charge would not be included in the refund value of your order as these are non-refundable charges.
  • Once we receive the return shipment, we will transfer the respected amount within 4-6 business days to the customer's bank account.
  • No refund for custom duties, shipping cost and taxes, if applicable.
  • For a manufacturing defect, we will replace the new product with the same design.

Please Note: Never send back any item without consulting with us. It's very important that you had verified with us for returning the ordered products. If products returned without verification then no credit or replacement shall be given on such items.